• Saying Yes.

This morning the topic of my devotional was saying “yes”; to God or whatever higher power you have, to your calling in life and even to yourself. What struck me was that the author included saying yes to herself.

As women, we say yes to everything but ourselves. I’m really guilty of that, but I am getting better. I say no to requests; I’ve even said no to clients that I didn’t think I could help or would not be a good fit for me. I still say yes to a lot of things; my husband, my daughter, church, Girl Scouts and lots of other things. But I rarely say yes to myself.

What would happen if I did? I would take better care of myself; exercise more instead of squeezing it in, spend time cooking fun, exotice meals, sew that dress I wanted to have ready for Easter (not going to happen). I would spend more time in prayer and meditation and not worry about the time and getting Richard and Malaika up and making breakfast for them. I would make them responsible.

If I said yes more to myself, I would get this newsletter out on a weekly basis, would spend more time reading professional magazines and journals and spend more time marketing my practice. And most importantly I would be less stressed and have more peace in my life.

It’s okay to say yes to yourself and a really good idea.

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