• Small Deposits Equal Big Withdrawls.


“One way of looking at this might be that, for 42 years, I’ve been making small regular deposits in this bank of experience: education and training. And, on Jan. 15, the balance was sufficient so that I could make a very large withdrawal.”
Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenburger.
We were all amazed that day, January 15. What is the probablity of a bird strike taking down a jet plane, both engines? Who would have thought of landing a jet in the Hudson River? Who would have thought that the ferry terminal would have been so close, that so many people would have been able to repsond? Who would have thought that everyone would survive? No many of us. But that day Captain Sullenburger had enough deposits.
I read this quote waiting to be called for my mammogram, of all things. I was so stuck by it and it made me think of all the things we do everyday that make deposits for us. Every experience teaches something. Each day we go through life learning and doing and experiencing.

I made a very big withdrawl on August 1, 2006. When the police knocked on the door to take me to the hospital, I used all my professional experience in crisis intervention. I used all the patience I banked working with children, elders and the chronically mentally ill. I used all my prayer deposits. All the kindness deposits I’d made with others came back to me. I had enough deposits to make the withdrawl I needed.

And without realizing it, you also go through your life making a lot of deposits. I have no doubt that if and when you need to make a withdrawl, your deposits will be sufficent.


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