• The Fragrance of Life

As I am sitting here writing this I have a candle lit in the corner of the room. I like the flickering of the flame, but I also like the scent, French Vanilla. In reality, fragrances have an impact on us. Everyone has a cache of fragrant memories stored in our brains. For instance, the smell of lilacs reminds me of my childhood and my mom. There was a big lilac bush outside my bedroom window and I remember waking to the fragrance of lilacs filling my room. And I love the fresh smell of the air after a rainfall.In fact, research shows that some fragrances have a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. The smell of lavender and oranges has been proven to calm people. Participates in the study reported feeling less anxious and more positive and relaxed after smelling orange or lavender.

After Hamlet drive Ophelia off the deep end (remember your Shakespeare?), she went around the castle picking rosemary, muttering “That’s for remembrance.” After exposure to rosemary oil, college students performed better on memory tests than the control group and reported feeling more alert. I love to gently rub my hands around the rosemary plant to release the fragrance. After all, who needs oil when you can get a little plant?

And what about that headache from sitting at the computer too long? Studies show that the scent of peppermint can ease pain. When I have a headache, I put a few drops of peppermint oil on my fingertips, inhale and then rub the base of my skull with my peppermint oil – covered fingers. In seconds I can feel the warmth spreading out from the base of my skull and the headache goes away.

I remember my Grandma Alma use to have lavender sachets in her drawers and by her pillow. I always thought that it was just because she liked the scent. The scent of lavender increases deep slow-wave sleep and helps people with mild insomnia.

So feel free to treat yourself to spritzers, candles and oil. Not only does science say it works, but you deserve it too.

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