The Guardian.

I couldn’t sleep last night (do you see a patten here?) So after Malaika went to sleep I crawled out of bed. She apparently doesn’t think I can sleep in bed by myself. I couldn’t decide what to do with myself so I watched The Guardian. It’s a pretty good movie and it has water, […]

The Circle of Life.

 The cast: Me, of course, and Richard and Malaika Richard’s parents Matt and Shirley Richard’s brother Robert and his wife Bonnie Robert and Bonnie’s daughter Bobette and her husband Mike I had planned on a quiet Christmas at home. Things were crazy and I was behind in all preparations. After Messiah weekend, I was going […]

Empower yourself

Last weekend, Malaika and I had a girls weekend. Richard and his brother went to Utah to help their parents get the house ready for winter. Aside from watching TV and movies, we took a self-defense course.The course was offered by Girl Scouts and Malaika earned her first Cadette Interest Project Award. Since moms could […]

It’s over

Wow, the election is finally over!  I, for one, am grateful.  This election was way to long for me.  But what I have now that I didn’t before is hope.  Hope that we can all work together, that we can put our differences aside and solve the problems before us.  I have hope for the […]

Is it really dark this early?

It seems fall has sort of arrived. Our trees have dropped most of their leaves and we spent several hours yesterday and today getting ready for winter.  We must have raked up 15 bags of leaves, even with the help of the lawn mower, and today we cleaned windows and screens.  It’s well past time for […]

A lot has changed

Wow, have things changed since I last wrote!  The stock market has been crazy, the presidential debates are over (thankfully) and we know how is going to be in the World Series.  It’s nice there is some sanity still in the world.  A quote from Field of Dreams “The one constant is baseball”.  And thank […]

I really have a blog?!

I can’t believe I have a blog.  I really don’t get why people love to read them, but they are very popular.  Since you have gotten here from my website you probably already know a lot about me.  But what you may not know is that I am a morally-bankrupt, bleeding-heart, liberal, feminist Democrat, and […]

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